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Sigma Delta Pi Spanish Honor Society

Spanish Honor Society

The University of Montevallo’s Epsilon Eta Chapter of Sigma Delta Pi was founded in 1963. The Chapter Epsilon Eta has an Initiation Ceremony every academic year. Chapter members organize various activities to promote cultural activities.

Active Membership

Active membership shall be limited to college students who have demonstrated high scholarship in general and excellence in the academic study of Spanish. Specifically, they must meet the following requirements:

  1. Each must have completed three years of study of college-level Spanish (eighteen semester credit hours) or the equivalent thereof, including at least three semester hours of a course in Hispanic literature or Hispanic culture and civilization at the junior (third-year) level. A student may be admitted to active membership while still enrolled in the second junior-level course if all other requirements have been met and if the instructor of the course certifies that the student’s work is of “B” or “A” quality.
  2. The candidate for active membership must have a minimal grade point average of 3.0 on a 4.0 point scale in all Spanish courses taken.
  3. The candidate must rank in the upper 35% of his/her class–sophomore, junior, or senior–and must have completed at least three semesters or five quarters of college work.
  4. Graduate students who have been unconditionally admitted to a degree-granting program may be elected to membership upon completion of two graduate courses in Spanish with an average which, if continued, will make them eligible for a graduate degree.
  5. Sigma Delta Pi does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national or ethnic origin, sex, age, or disability.