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Office of the Associate Provost

Student Achievement

Student Achievement

The University of Montevallo’s Mission Statement

The overriding mission of the University of Montevallo, unique in Alabama higher education, is to provide to students from throughout the state an affordable, geographically accessible, “small college” public higher educational experience of high quality with a strong emphasis on undergraduate liberal studies and with professional programs supported by a broad base of arts and sciences, designed for their intellectual and personal growth in pursuit of meaningful employment and responsible, informed citizenship.

The University of Montevallo’s Vision Statement

UM offers undergraduate and graduate students a learner-centered 21st century education informed by our liberal arts identity.

Core Values
  • Diversity, equality and inclusion
  • Intellectual and personal growth
  • Civic engagement and social justice
  • Global citizenship and sustainability

Student Achievement

The University, in accordance with federal laws and accreditation standards, identifies, evaluates and publishes overall goals for student achievement appropriate to the University Mission, the nature of the students the University serves, and the kind of programs offered.

The current goals, and how the University has performed relative to those goals, is provided for at least the last three academic years. The goals were selected based on various expectations including standards in the State of Alabama, standards of programmatic accrediting agencies, and/or benchmarked against past institutional performance.

Performance Levels

  • The minimum performance level, or threshold of acceptability, is the threshold above which an outcome should be maintained.
  • The goal is the target to meet or surpass.
  • The actual performance is the current outcome for the defined measure.

Undergraduate Retention Rates

Graduation Rates

Licensure/Praxis Exam Pass Rates